For a thousand years the Dark Lord Fargotth, banished from his home world, has been gathering forces in a distant part of the Galaxy. Now he is building an empire on the ruins of the civilization that has begotten him. Scoundrels and cutthroats from all corners of the Universe aspire to join the ranks of his army to feast on the spoils of the perishing star states. The five most powerful Free Words join forces and establish a Federation to stand against the inhuman hordes. Fargotth is forced to retreat, but the time for a decisive blow has not come yet. From an aquatic planet Algrav a warlord named Hyttkvarn is summoned, known to have breached even the strongest defences. You are that warlord.

Official soundtrack:

NewStoryEntertainment: mellondill, hirdmann672, divuar, llllex665

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